Christmas break couldn't have come at a better time. Granted, my two weeks off work are nothing compared to the almost 6 weeks I got as a student--but I enjoyed every single day of my break. I headed back to Clinton a few days before Christmas. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad to leave S&B behind. But I did get to come home to this creature:

Yes, that is Bacchus. In his daily form (aka fat, happy, and avoiding humans that are not my mother).
I spent the next few days with my family and friends. Matthew came to Jackson for a few days. We saw the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (and you should too!), hung out with Porter, Meg and Dip, and went to Will's annual Christmas party. I finished up all my last minute shopping; I hate procrastinating, but I'm so bad about forgetting things and having to go get them the day before Christmas!
My mom, Meg, Dip, and I made Christmas sugar cookies. Due to our icing difficulties, they weren't all beautiful. But they were indeed damn delicious.

We spent Christmas Eve with my dad's family in Vicksburg. It was a nice night, even though we missed our traditional Midnight Mass! I was very upset about it, and not too pleased to get up for church the next morning.
But after Santa's delivery, we did go to church and then came home for a delicious lunch. I made out alright this Christmas--a number of gift cards (Target, VS, Newk's, etc.), some money, my BEAUTIFUL green LeCreuset teapot, a knife set, and a variety of clothes.
My mom got a new iPhone and new iPad this Christmas. Not that she didn't need it...her ages old Blackberry Pearl had seen better days. But this new technology required Meg and I to do a lot of PATIENT teaching. She is now learning how to text, use emoji, send picture messages, and even FaceTime! To say that giving her iEducation over the break was time-consuming would be an understatement. But, all is well--she is becoming a pro in no time!

The day after Christmas, Meg, Mom and I set off for Tulsa...yes, Tulsa, Oklahoma. It was close to an 11-hour drive from Jackson, but we made it in one piece. We stayed for a few days before journeying back. It was really nice to see a bunch of my cousins, lots of aunts and uncles, and my grandparents. I like to think it was a mini-family reunion, since it is really rare to get all of my mom's siblings in one place at one time.
However, with that many people, survival can be difficult (if you know what I mean...). One thing I always say about the Ingrams is that every one of us thinks we are right about everything. It makes for an interesting time. I got my fill for the year of FoxNews, due to my grandmother's obsession with the "pundits" and their "knowledge" and "political beliefs". Let's just say that I took full advantage of being legally able to drink....

Then, finally I made it back to Oxford, in time for the new year! Martin was nice enough to cat-sit for me while I was away, so I brought him back some of Oklahoma's finest beers. I was sure happy to see my babies, though. Sasha soon greeted me by strangely snuggling up inside a coat hanger. No, I don't get it either.

For New Year's Eve, Matthew came over from Houston. We went to dinner at McEwen's (on the square) with Stephen and Tripp. It was a lovely, five-course meal. Not cheap, of course, but EXTREMELY delicious. I think the crab cakes for the appetizer were my favorite part of the meal. They were literally divine.

And it was really nice to get all gussied up to go somewhere. I don't think I had worn heels in months before this. We all really enjoyed dinner and its fanciness, and then carried the party back to my house where we brought out the champagne.

Colby, Martin and Rosie were at the house with us--we turned up the music, shot some fireworks, watched Anderson and Kathy's NYE special, and had a great time together. It was a low-key but celebratory evening that I won't soon forget.
I can't say I was excited at the prospect of going back to work today. Like these little suckers, I'd much rather be having the holiday hangover in my bed. But alas...back to the grind I go!