On Monday, Alyssa, Rosie, and I held our first annual Battle Lane Christmas party. A variety of our co-workers and friends came. We pigged out on soup, snacks, and holiday beverages. And we finished the night with Dirty Santa. I was lucky enough to get an awesome Mississippi glass, courtesy of Sharon. Meg and I were the only one who dressed festive....except for Sasha and Bougie :)
I had decorated a beautiful Christmas tree pre-party, but S&B decided it would be their new toy. I had to move it into my room until right before the party, since they were kenneled in my bathroom anyway. I do think it ended up very nice though!
On Thursday, after probably waiting entirely too long, I FINALLY got a hair cut! And although it is a bit shorter than I would have wanted, it looks good and it is a much needed change.
Other than that, life has been the same old routine. Again, I am SO happy for break, and for Christmas to finally be here. Can't wait until Santa comes in ONE WEEK! And no, not THIS Santa: