Welcome, Sasha and Bougie to my household. My roommates and I adopted these kittens from the local animal shelter. They were from the same litter, so they (luckily!) get along super. They have already become my makeshift children, so I apologize for becoming such a doting catparent already.
Miss diva herself, Sasha Fierce. She was named after Beyonce's alter ego, so naturally she lives up to her name. She is sassy and smart, and she bosses her brother around like there is no tomorrow. He's starting to realize that he's bigger than her, but no worries--she will always be in charge.
This is my sweet boy, Bougie. He is a great cuddler, and he is so loving and gentle. The only time we have problems is when food is concerned--he will eat ANYTHING. I'm betting he's going to be my 30-lb. cat, but I'm fine with it. Sasha's lack of fat (from running around the house and because she's a snob) will compensate for his, I suppose.
And this is my favorite scene I've come home to: the kittens laying on my Longchamp purse. What can I say...they must get their good tastes from me.
So thus begins yet another adventure in my life...pet owner-hood? Is that what we'd call it? Whatever you dub it, here I go. Wish me luck with these two, y'all. I imagine I'm gonna need it...
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