But I (accompanied by my mother) am going to STL tomorrow for a conference this weekend! Ole Miss is kind enough to pay for me to spend a good four days there at a conference on first-year experience/retention in higher education! Boring to you, I'm sure--but I'm nerding out a good bit. Seeing as my job this year greatly revolves around developing first-year programs (and encouraging retention!) at Ole Miss, this could be really educational for me.
Of course, though, let's not be naive...Ruth and I have already planned out museums, shopping, and dining. I plan on going to the City Museum, which my boss described to me as a "giant adult playground." Sounds right up my alley, considering I'm often a 22-year old trapped in a 7-year old's body. I'm going to balance that out, though, with a tour of the Anheuser-Busch Distillery. I have been there before, but not when I was of drinking age. I'm fairly excited about a nice, free Bud Light.
Shopping is a given, in my family. Mom wants to find some new boots...I want to find things (any things!) Mom will buy for me. I know there's a galleria, and a big mall in an old train station. Mom has a friend who gave her food recommendations, but to be honest, I'd probably eat just about anything...especially if the school is reimbursing me for it.
I didn't have to work too hard to convince Mom we'll be skipping the Arch. I went up in it with Dad last time I was in STL, and that was one too many times for me. I'm already not incredibly keen on heights, but paired with movement and swaying in the air, having to shuffle your feet to keep balance...yeah, you're nuts if you think I'm taking my acrophobic, epileptic mother up there with me. The bruises I get every time we ride Space Mountain at Disney World are bad enough; EMTs would be involved in this, I'm certain.
So, we'll stay on the ground, museum it up, shop til' we drop, eat like kings...oh, and I'll learn a lot about the state of higher education today! My inner geek will be loving it, and my outer sybarite will be weeping. I'm excited for this 4-5 day jaunt and I will certainly post pictures and details upon my return!
When my mom came to see me in Paris, I was like "let's go to the eiffel tower!" so we went and took pictures and then I said, "Do you want to go to the top? I've been up there before." And my mom was quiet for a moment, then said "You know....I think I'm okay." Lolz.