As if it wasn't enough to live through a 6 hour drive with my mom, I also made it driving to our hotel in downtown, even after navigating a bridge demolition and detour through Illinois. Miracles do happen.
I won't bore you with the details of my conference, but it's gone great so far! You'll always have more engaging speakers for some sessions and snoozers for others. But in total, I've learned a lot and hope to head back to Oxford inspired.
In my free time though, I've enjoyed waking up to this Mississippi River view every morning.
I've enjoyed the good eats here (although as for the extra weight, my body is NOT too amused). Note this fudge brownie drizzled with caramel and topped with Bailey's Irish ice cream.
In the non-conference time, Mom and I have been out and about. Friday night we enjoyed the Cardinals game over Italian food. Saturday morning, we hit the Galleria and shopped hard. Post-conference Saturday night, we went to the City Museum, which is more or less a giant adult day care--and I loved it. Note my potential Halloween mask I made in the crafts area:
And yes, it is a unicorn. Inspired my my personal pillow pet, Pooty. Anyway, another interesting facet of this trip has been the Occupy STL-ers right down the street from our hotel. They're literally camping in the middle of the city in tents and hammocks, and protesting whenever they feel like venturing out of their makeshift homes. I really have no problem with the folks--they're kind, peaceful, and are motivated. But yes--here is a snapshot of their "protest":
So all in all, it's been an eventful few days so far. We head back to Oxford on Tuesday, so tomorrow we plan on finishing up the conference and hitting the brewery. Got to admit, I'm totally down with a tour and a beer. After that, we might get a nice dinner and then rest up for the long drive home Tuesday morning. I'll update more later with some Clydesdale pics, I'm sure. Or more food porn, because honestly, who DOESN'T love food porn?
Until then,
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