Now I know this may not be the most, shall we say, stimulating post. But if you love me, or are hopelessly bored, then it should be mildly interesting at the least.
I enjoyed the grove and post-game (for obvious reasons...) with Porter, Faison and her family, and Bobby Joe last weekend. It was really great to hang and drink with them! Watching Ole Miss get pounded by Alabama...not that fun. But everything else? Fabulous.
Once the workweek started, things started to go downhill. I love my job, but boy do I get exhausted and fast. Waking up at 7am everyday is not terrible, but getting off around 5 then trying to proceed with some semblance of a social, active life is DIFFICULT. I have standing plans on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so my breathing room is not really existent.
This Wednesday, I went with Meg and my friend Audrey to see Young Frankenstein the musical at the Ford Center. Meg and I watched that movie COUNTLESS times as children, so I'm fairly accustomed to the story lines and humor. However, I totally did not pick up on a lot of the dirtier content when I was young--that truly surprised me during the musical, but, of course, I loved it.

Thursday was our weekly dinner club, with Austin and Alyssa. This week, Alyssa treated us to chicken cordon bleu, asparagus, mashed potatoes, all with a white wine sauce. Austin and I may have taken the easy way out with a boxed strawberry cake mix and strawberry icing...but that was okay. We paired it with Hocus Pocus and an episode of the Walking Dead, and I was happy as a clam.
I'm excited about this weekend--no, not the Arkansas game, but the fact that my parents and some extended family will be in town! I'll get to see everyone and we'll have a big family dinner on Saturday night. It will be so nice to just hang out and relax with all my people. And cross my fingers, I will have Sunday just to lounge around the house and prep for the week ahead. I don't get nearly as many days hanging at the house as I would like... Such is the life of a working girl.
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