Last Saturday, after the Ole Miss-Arkansas football game, I ate dinner with my family and my Aunt Mary Lee and cousin Virginia. Mary Lee came down for the game (she is a Hog, after all) and we ate a big dinner of taco soup and cornbread together! It was great to see everyone, and in typical fashion, she had a giant bowl of halloween candy out and sent us home with pumpkin cheesecake.
In keeping up an annual tradition, Meg and I visited the St. Peter's pumpkin patch this week. I picked out 5 or so mini pumpkins to decorate my house and office! And of course, it's not a trip there without a fun photoshoot.
For work, I helped throw a halloween study break for my FASTrack students. This did involve a bit of work on my part--namely, baking 200-ish mini cupcakes, icing them, and decorating them. In the end, the students LOVED them, and they all got eaten. I was even incredibly flattered when someone asked if I got them at Emileigh's. HA! In my dreams...
And last, but not least, I bring you a picture of a halloween costume. No, not mine. Rather, my precious kitten Bougie's. I admit, I did buy the unicorn costume with the intention of Sasha wearing it. However, with her rebellious nature and more petite frame, that didn't quite work out. So.....this. Call it feminine if you'd like, but he's CUTE and you KNOW IT!
Anyway, back to watching my slew of halloween movies and zombie TV shows. Until next time.